
10 things I learnt 1000 metres above sea level

10 things I learnt 1000 metres above sea level 2

1.       The greatest gift of life is friendship.

2.       Be happy for this moment; This moment is possibly the most memorable of your life.

3.       Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

4.       Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

5.       We do not remember days, we remember moments and right now as you swing above the unknown this fear this moment is what you’ll remember.
6.       In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

7.       The best thing to hold onto in life is each other whether it’s friends, family or the guide at the other side of the mountain making sure you’re okay.

8.       Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

9.       Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

10.   It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

I was recently invited to experience the rush that is a Cape Canopy tour. Just a few moments from Franschhoek is the quaint town of Elgin(Grabouw), known for fruit & grape farming.

A town that despite it’s proximity I have barely explored. What better way I felt on a dark Halloween’s night would be a better way to view this valley that sliding from cliff to cliff, running across rope swing bridges above boisterous waterfalls and seeing the sun set with a cup of hot cocoa in hand, hidden in a cave.

It was in that moment, as the water hushed in the background, the ground beneath me slowly faded to black when I thought, how would I share my experience, I hadn’t taken a single picture, my phone was in the car and there was no way I would risk losing my DSLR as a slid from platform to platform, 1000 meters above sea level.

It then donned on me, sometimes the best moments are the ones you’ve truly LIVED and been present in. Often as a blogger and a millennial I spend my time trying to get the perfect shot and share that one moment that surmised just how amazing my life and whatever experience I was involved in truly was. More time deciding on a filter and saturation that truly living in the moment.

Yet philosophically I found that in forgetting social media, taking a risk in trying something new, with people I didn’t know, I found amongst other beautiful moments-myself.

I unlatched my harness at the end of my 13th slide and began a slow 1km back to the pick up point and the above 10 lessons just floated through my head and I hope that they inspire you to take a risk, and try something out of your comfort zone. Meet people that perhaps you wouldn’t normally take the time to get to know. Jump off the edge when you have no idea what lies beneath you. Trust in humanity and that there’s always someone there to catch you at the other end. If not hang in there, a guide will come out to fetch you.


Cost: R695 pp

What’s included

  • 4 x 4 trip
  • Fully guided trip (13 platforms, 11 slides and a swing bridge)
  • Complimentary light lunch
  • Rain gear if needed

What to expect

After a safety briefing and kitting up at the reception, guests will be transported by 4×4 high into the mountain range: this is where the fun begins!

Two professional guides will accompany each small group, ensuring strict safety standards all the while providing an enlightening and educational experience, providing interesting facts about the nature and geology of this interesting area.

Slide along steel cables from platform to platform, taking you past waterfalls and through valleys, enjoying all that mother nature has to offer. With 13 platforms and slides up to 320m long, both nature and adventure enthusiasts will be sure to come back for more!

After a short walk back to the vehicle, we transport you back down to enjoy a light meal together.

Images//Melissa Delport
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