
Watch: Beautiful Bite-Size Ballet | Rain Must Fall by Kitty Phetla

Watch: Beautiful Bite-Size Ballet | Rain Must Fall by Kitty Phetla 2

With water restrictions sitting at a dyre level 6 in the Western Cape.

The Joburg Ballet Company took to create a 2 minute ballet routine with hopes of highlighting the need for rain, water conservation by using the artistic use of ballet performed by the talented Kitty Phetla, as part of their Bite-Size Ballet series.

On their Facebook page, The Joburg Ballet Company posted the vibrantly expressive video, saying:

“With Cape Town reservoir levels plummeting to record lows, the Cape Water Crisis has become a major concern for the entire country. We’re proud to present our latest Bite Size Ballet, a rain dance for the drought-stricken province.

“Inspired by Queen Modjadji of the Balobedu people, and shot on location at the near-empty Theewaterskloof Dam, the dance was choreographed and performed by senior soloist @KittyPhetla.

“While we hope it will bring rain, this dance is also an important reminder of the value of water to life on earth, and the necessity to conserve it at all costs. If you’re travelling to the Western Cape this festive season, please make water conservation an absolute priority.

“Special thanks to L8 ANTIQUE for the soundtrack.”

Watch the inspired Video Below:

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