
Wine Estates & Tasting Rooms Remain Open over The Festive Period

Following last night’s national address by President Ramaphosa, the new regulations were published this morning in the Government Gazette.

A copy of the gazette may be seen on Hospitality Hedonist by clicking HERE

However, in terms of operating hours, there is a certain difference between the Gazetted rules and the declaration produced with respect to the exclusive dispensation for wineries.

As announced 14.12.20

  • Beaches in the Garden Route and Eastern Cape will be closed from 16 December to 03 January 2021
  • KwaZulu-Natal Beaches will be closed on what are “traditionally their busiest days” 16,25,26,31 December & 1-3 January 2021.
  • A stricter curfew for restaurants, bars and other establishments that sell alcohol, will be enforced from 22:00 – 04:00.
  • Restrictions on trading hours for the sale of alcohol for off-consumption from Monday to Thursday, 10:00 – 18:00.
  • Trading hours for the sale of alcohol for on-consumption remains unchanged and may continue during all normal licenced trading hours from Monday to Sunday.
  • Wineries may, however, continue to offer wine tastings and sell wine for off-site consumption during all normal licenced trading hours, including weekends. This is a special dispensation to the wine and tourism sectors.
  • The consumption of alcohol in public spaces such as beaches and parks is strictly prohibited.
  • Gatherings, including religious gatherings, may not exceed 50% of the venue capacity, up to a maximum of 100 people indoors and 250 outdoors.

According to the Government Gazette, wineries are only permitted to market off-consumption wine from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday, contrary to the President’s declaration last night that they are allowed to trade during the regular approved hours, including Sundays, in compliance with the applicable local by-laws.

Another consequence of the Gazetted legislation is that wine cellars with an on- and off-consumption certificate from a micro-manufacturer can therefore not present wine tastings on Sundays.

With regard to public holidays, it is also at this stage of the professional legal understanding that wineries can sell off-consumption wine during the hours of trade from 10:00 to 18:00 on 16, 25 and 26 December 2020 and 1 January 2021, both of which are public holidays but fall within the period of Monday to Saturday.

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