Australian beauty brand Body Blends created a body exfoliation scrub using our favourite go to perk me up. Coffee. The scrub is said to have been born out of the need for a natural and affordable beauty scrub.
Body Blends is made from natural fruit and vegetables oils as well as other breakfast Favourites such as oat meal, desiccated coconut, orange oil, and macadamia oil.
For R1170.00 you can have the following delivered:
- 1x Oats Oats Baby
Ingredients – Arabica Beans, Sea Salt, OatMeal, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Macadamia Oil, Sweet Almond Oil & Jajoba Oil - 1x Coffee Scrub
Ingredients – Arabica Beans, Sea Salt, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Macadamia Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jajoba Oil & Sweet Orange Oil - 1x Sugar Daddy
Ingredients – Arabica Beans, Raw Sugar, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Macadamia Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jajoba & Sweet Orange Oil - 1x Coconut Delight
Ingredients – Arabica Beans, Sea Salt, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Macadamia Oil, Sweet Almond Oil & Jajoba Oil - 1x watermelon mitt
If you’re a thrifty Suzelle DIY type person I will happily keep my old coffee granualss and give them to you for free, mahala, pasella!
For more info on how to get naked for coffee visit Body Blends