
Another Sad loss in Franschhoek

Another Sad loss in Franschhoek 5

We will be celebrating the life of Franschhoek Wine Valley CEO, Jenny Prinsloo, at a special memorial service on Thursday, 6 October, 4pm, at Leopard’s Leap Family Vineyards.

A private family ceremony will be held prior to the memorial.

Condolences pour in for the loved matriarch, and patriotic CEO of Franschhoek Tourism, Jennifer Prinsloo who tragically lost her life in the early morning on Monday the 26th of September.

The following was received by the Franschhoek Wine Valley & Association to the shock and disbelief of many on the evening of the 26th:


What followed this tragic news was a flurry of love and memories of Jennifer Prinsloo by media, colleagues and many hospitality & industry Members who mourn the loss of an iconic tourism leader.

Darryl Erasmus-Tourism Grading Council 

Alan Wine-MEC of Economic Opportunities 

Mike Ratcliffe-Warwick Wine Estate


MEC Alan Winde sends condolences on passing of Jenny Prinsloo, Chief of Franschhoek Tourism

 26 Sep 2016

Western Cape Minister in charge of tourism, Alan Winde, has extended his deepest condolences to the family and friends of Jenny Prinsloo, CEO of Franschhoek Wine Valley and Tourist Association, who passed away today (26 September 2016).

Minister Winde said: “Jenny was a shining light in Franschhoek. It is very sad to hear of her passing. Jenny will be missed by all, but her legacy will live on through the tremendous positive impact she made in transforming Franschhoek into what it is today. She was an invaluable asset to her town, and indeed our entire province. I would like to send my warmest condolences to her family, friends, and the people of Franschhoek, by whom she will be dearly missed.”

The below was published on Die Burger’s Facebook Page


It is important to note this is NOT the image of Jenni Prinsloos accident as posted by Die Burger.


Een van die twee mense wat gisteroggend op slag dood is in ’n botsing reg van voor op die Helshoogtepas buite Stellenbosch was Jennifer Prinsloo, uitvoerende hoof van die Franschhoek Wynvallei- en Toerismevereniging.

“Sy was ’n baken op Franschhoek,” het Alan Winde, Wes-Kaap minister van ekonomiese geleenthede en toerisme, in ’n verklaring gesê nadat hy van Prinsloo se dood verneem het.

“Jenny sal deur almal gemis word, maar haar nalatenskap sal voortleef deur die reuse- positiewe impak wat sy gehad het om Franschhoek te verander in die dorp wat dit nou is,” lui Winde se verklaring. “Sy was van onskatbare waarde vir haar dorp en ons hele provinsie.”

Volgens ’n ooggetuie wat omstreeks 10:00 verby die ongelukstoneel gery het, het twee bedekte lyke regs van die pad (in die rigting van Pniël) gelê, terwyl ’n Volkswagen Polo, waarvan die passasierskant heeltemal verfrommel is, aan die linkerkant (in die rigting van Kaapstad) gestaan het.

Volgens Stellenbosch se verkeersdepartement het een van die twee voertuie aan die verkeerde kant van die pad gery. Die lyk van die bestuurder van die Volkswagen Polo, ’n man, was in die motor vasgekeer.

* In ’n ongeluk Sondagmiddag het die bestuurder van ’n rooi Ford op die Robertsvlei-pad in Franschhoek glo teen ’n hoë spoed gery en beheer oor sy voertuig verloor. Dit het in die aankomende baan beland en ’n bakkie teen die kant getref (foto).

Twee mans in die Ford het gesterf, terwyl die insittendes in die bakkie en ’n hond, wat agter op die bakkie aan ’n ketting vasgemaak was, beserings opgedoen het. – Romantha Botha

It has been said that “There were 8 accidents in total over the weekend with more than one having fatalities” following Franschhoek Uncorked Wine Festival in  this weekend and follows a further tragedy that saw the loss of a young mans life over Bastille Festival just two moths prior.


The latter saw the Franschhoek community calling for stricter intervention from the traffic department with regard to deterring drinking and driving. In hopes of lessening fatalities and the amount of over-the-limit drivers on the road.

Conversation on public Facebook Group What’s On In Franschhoek! saw the community outraged by the lack of police(Traffic Department) presence after a festival, may once again echoing the previous question of what will be done? Who is to be held responsible for these tragic deaths and incosiderate drinking and reckless driving.

Once again we URGE local government to add bnetter traffic measures to reduce speed and reckless driving in Franschhoek, especially around festivals. This actually should be a national initative at every festival based around Drinking,Wine Tastings etc.

How many people need to die before we realize this is a massive problem!?

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Our sincere condolences go out to the Prinsloo family, Jenni was an ambassador to our town and did so much to uplift the community and businesses in our village. Love & Light.

The images used are not mine-to be credited please email me.
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