
Pokedates- New Pokemon based “online” dating app

Pokedates- New Pokemon based "online" dating app 1

In 2013 Sarah Press decided to fix the frustrating experience that is online dating. She created Project Fixup. That summer, fate brought along Dank, a gentleman equally passionate about using technology to solve problems and to bring people together in the real world. Fast forward to 2016 and thousands of fixups later, when they saw the phenomenal effects Pokemon GO has in bringing people together over this shared passion (dare we say obsession?) they created Pokedates and online way of bringing single people together.

Business Man Reading Something on the Screen of His Cell Phone

Pokémon GO is arguably the best idea of the 21st century. Combining heart-felt nostalgia with the latest in Augmented Reality technology, this game allows 2-200 year olds to explore the Pokéworld via the real world.

To play, you have to leave your home, go out and about and roam this world of ours. You literally cannot play without moving – and fitbits all over the world have been tracking record steps as a result.

While competitive, most users see more upside in collaboration and this game has been breaking societal barriers and making friends left and right.

What’s next for Pokemon GO? Well it’s obvious isn’t? Pokedates!

Pokedates Hospitality hedonist

With PokemonGo being so popular and overtaking Tinder in both IOS and Play store it is no wonder that Sarah and her team decided to cash in on the mobile phenomenon.

Getting Started seems quite easy, you fill out a few questions and add some pictures, the basics of online dating and off you go!

Pokedates Hospitality hedonist 2

They say there are plenty of fish in the sea, Gotta catch em all!

To create a PokeDates profile Visit Project Fix Up 



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