
Chef Mynhardt Joubert’s Home-cured Salmon Trout

“I love curing trout as it is such an interesting process and you get to develop your own signature depending on your preferred spices and mixes. This is my ideal blend. You can prepare this as a side dish or even serve it as a main course with some crusty baguette. The trout needs to be cured for at least a day in advance and improves with standing. It is utterly delicious and perfect for sharing with friends and a glass or two of Roodeberg Rosé.”

Serves 6 to 8

Preparation time:  30 minutes

Rest:  24 hours


1.      600 to 800 g of filleted fresh salmon trout (3 to 4 fillets)

2.      1 teaspoon of fennel seeds

3.      1 teaspoon of dill seeds

4.      1 teaspoon of aniseed

5.      1 teaspoon of dried coriander seeds

6.      1 teaspoon of yellow mustard seeds

7.      1 small chilli deseeded and chopped

8.      100 g of sugar

9.      100 g of coarse salt

10.  200 ml of KWV Cruxland Gin

11.  1 cup of chopped fresh fennel bulb and leaves

12.  1 cup of chopped red onion


1.      Wipe the filleted salmon trout with a wet clean kitchen towel dipped in lemon juice and place in a flat oven tray the size of the fish 

2.      Mix together all the dry spices ingredients and dry roast in a pan for about 3 to 4 minutes until the first popping sounds and hints of smoke occur. Remove and let it cool

3.      Mix the dry roasted spices, salt and sugar and rub into the filleted fish being careful not to bruise the flesh of the fish

4.      Lay down the first fillet of fish and cover with some chopped fennel and onion and the dry spice mix, continue by stacking and spicing the fillets on top of each other

5.      Pour over the gin and place plastic cling film over the fish, place another oven tray or pan on top of the fish and press down with a heavy object (I find that my Foodie Magazines work the best!) Place in the fridge and let it cure for at least 24hours

6.      Remove and wipe off all the excess spices and thinly slice and prepare for the salad

Ingredients for the salad

1.       Fresh strawberries, blackberries and cherries if in season

2.      Cucumber peeled with a spaghetti peeler, sliced candied beetroot, cooked baby beetroot, mayonnaise, baby lettuce leaves and edible flowers

Arrange all the ingredients onto individual plates or one large platter and season with salt and pepper to taste

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